e-F3K (REQUIRED Altis Setup)
To compete in SWSS monthly e-F3K contests, it's important your plane's Altis be set up correctly.
Start by launching the Altis software and checking that you have the most current version firmware. Then plug in your Altis and check to see if there is a firmware update for it. Update your Altis firmware if necessary.
Below are two screenshots of the settings you need to enable and the values you should enter.
1- Enable "Altitude Switch" and "F5K".
2- Open the F5K "height" menu by clicking on the blue outlined "F5K height" box. This will open the window you see in the right hand image. You should enter 50 (launch height in meters) in L1 thru L6. This ensures you will have enough recorded relaunch opportunities available for any of the F3K tasks that are flown.
3- Be sure to enter a "7" in the "Time Switch" window.
4- Be sure to enable "Antizoom" and that you have entered a value of 0.8 in the "Antizoom Gain" window.
5- Enable "Emergency Motor On".
Before coming to a SWSS F3K Hybrid contest, you need to test your Altis settings to confirm your motor run time, motor cut-off, Antizoom, and motor restart are all working. Be sure to perform your Altis testing when the air is not active. Thermal activity will negatively impact your Antizoom results.
Begin testing by launching upward (about 30º or more) and maintain that angle until the motor cuts off. Once the plane's powered launch is over and it has leveled off, bring the plane back down and land. Perform at a minimum, three launches like this. More is better! You're encouraged to even try and zoom your plane in an effort to maximize your climb rate and see if your anteroom value is keeping your launch in the desired range.
Connect your Altis to your laptop (which is hopefully at the field with you) and open the flight logs so you can see all of your test launches. You want to see if most of your launches are falling in the range of 48-53 meters. If so, you are good to go! If most of your launches are consistently below 48 meters, adjust your Antizoom value to 0.6 and perform the same number of launch tests. You are looking for an Antizoom value that most frequently delivers a launch of 48-53 meters.